The Leadership Traits and Footsteps of Nelson Mandela, How Nelson Mandela Restored a Nation to Its Rightful Owners, Xlibris, Ervin Williams,Africa/General,HISTORY, Mandela’s Epic Journey; Nelson Mandela’s Struggles; Mandela’s Leadership Traits, South Africa-American Parallels; New Nation- South Africa; Mandela – The Man – The Country; Mandela Personified; Mandela – The President; The Emergence of Mandela; The Footsteps of Mandela; Leadership Greatness Personified.,, , United States, en-US Mandela’s Epic Journey; Nelson Mandela’s Struggles; Mandela’s Leadership Traits, South Africa-American Parallels; New Nation- South Africa; Mandela – The Man – The Country; Mandela Personified; Mandela – The President; The Emergence of Mandela; The Footsteps of Mandela; Leadership Greatness Personified., [BLURB],[CITY],IN,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look