Scarlet and Black, Volume Three, Making Black Lives Matter at Rutgers, 1945-2020, Rutgers University Press, Beatrice J. Adams, Brooke A. Thomas, Carie Rael, Deborah Gray White, Edward White, Ian Gavigan, Jesse Bayker, Joseph Kaplan, Joseph Williams, Kaisha Esty, Kenneth Morrissey, Lynda Dexheimer, Marisa J. Fuentes, Meagan Wierda, Miya Carey, Pamela N. Wal,United States/State & Local/Middle Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA),HISTORY, Black Lives Matter;BLM;Rutgers;Rutgers University;Rutgers diversity;black students;African American;New Brunswick;Douglass College;Paul Robeson;Race at Rutgers;Scarlet and Black;Scarlet Knights;Douglass Woman;race relations;student activism;contemporary history;black power;student organizations;black student union,, , United States, en-UShttps://www.rutgersuniversitypress.orgBlack Lives Matter;BLM;Rutgers;Rutgers University;Rutgers diversity;black students;African American;New Brunswick;Douglass College;Paul Robeson;Race at Rutgers;Scarlet and Black;Scarlet Knights;Douglass Woman;race relations;student activism;contemporary history;black power;student organizations;black student union, [BLURB],[CITY],New Jersey,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look