Marine Recruit, Tears in the Sand, Xlibris, Herb Brewer,General,FICTION, Fiction, Every Marine is a Rifleman, Mission of a Marine Rifleman is to search, locate, and destroy the enemy, Motto of the Marine Corps is: Semper Fidelis, Marine Recruit, Herb Brewer, Every Marine, Rifleman, Mission of a Marine Rifleman, enemy, destroy, Marine Corps,, , United States, en-UShttp://www.authorsolutions.comFiction, Every Marine is a Rifleman, Mission of a Marine Rifleman is to search, locate, and destroy the enemy, Motto of the Marine Corps is: Semper Fidelis, Marine Recruit, Herb Brewer, Every Marine, Rifleman, Mission of a Marine Rifleman, enemy, destroy, Marine Corps, [BLURB],[CITY],IN,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look